ヘルプセンター - TradeDataPlus | What Is Mirror Data
Mirror Data refers to a method used to access trade information for countries that do not disclose their customs data. It involves leveraging the customs data provided by a country involved in a trade transaction to infer the trade activity of another country that does not disclose its customs data. For instance, when Country A trades with Country B, if Country B discloses its customs data, the import data recorded by Country B can be used as a mirror of the export data from Country A. This approach relies on the availability of customs data from at least one of the countries involved in the trade, as it acts as a proxy for the undisclosed country's trade activity. However, it is important to note that if both countries involved in the trade transaction do not disclose their customs data, the mirror data method cannot be applied.
If neither customs data nor mirror data is available for the country to be queried, you can do a data query using shipping data. Each of our Plans includes Global Shipment (data from shipping companies and ports) by default, which allows you to search for trade for which no customs data is published and for which no mirror data is available.